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Kpop die hard fan

Kpop die hard fan

Sunday 11 December 2011


Today i had a enough sleep until 1pm just now because is really a tired nap for me.I don't know what kind of feeling i should have right now.I really confused right now.Confused not because i'm not sure on what i want to have,is confused on what feeling should i have to face the reality.I need someone who can console my sorrowness,my loneliness and my sadness.I can't just put it down like this although i had said so in previous post.I really can't.

Facing her,i don't know should be just friends or just another special relationship with her.Because i know what i want,so i don't want to make any mistakes.Sometimes,feeling this kind of thing is always playing with us.When you don't want to think about it anymore,suddenly there's a miracle happen again in front of you.

Currently,what i had done now,i think is quite ok for her and me also.Plus,i can see that somebody is more popular than me among the choices,so i guess right now i'm not a problem anymore to her and this is a relieve for me.Hope that the pace now will keep maintain.I found out that she is keep thinking my feeling just temporary,i wonder why she will keep thinking like that.Maybe because she didn't want this kind of thing happen at all,or she just can't accept the fact that she has the feeling also?i don't know at all,all i know is i should keep a distance with her for now for not harming her at all.That is the most important.About the feeling,i just keep inside my heart first so that she happy and i am happy also.

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