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Kpop die hard fan

Kpop die hard fan

Thursday 15 December 2011


Today i feel great no matter how i acted,i just can't found a reason for me to become sad.But i realized i worried someone when i was in the dancing class.I just don't know why and it just happen in such way.Until today she ask me whether i got worried about her safety.Of course i had if not i won't have such worries yesterday.But i was thinking she asking me something else,luckily i just realized after she mentioned it.

I think we are quite comfortable in such way when we meet.Not so frequently and just through messages.I asked her one question twice but both time also no reply.I guess she don't want to answer this question.At least i know now that is no more so called "harm" are existing anymore.I just want to have a normal way to meet her,chat with her and of course in future,maybe can just have the normal way to have relationship,who knows??But i don't expect much because i don't want to have another same mistake like last time.

I just afraid to anything further than this right now.I just keep my way from her as long no more harm and she is happy with that way.Yesterday,my dancing class monitor ask me how was me and she?i just answer her,nothing happen to both of us.By the way,at that time i just think of when i saw she is happy like last time during celebration.

Anyway,i feel happy today when i chat with my mum again.My mum tease me somemore,but i feel comfortable when i heard her laughter.I also went to the book fair to choose one book for my sister as christmas present but unfortunately nothing is bought because is not suitable at all.

I want to be more happy than yesterday.Jia you!!!!

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