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Monday 28 November 2011


Today was a normal day.I had my physical chemistry practical class and calculus tutorial class.But sad thing is my calculus lecturer mention that the calculus test 2 was a disaster and he so kind till add on one more question to pull our marks up.

Anyway,I feel on wanna express something else.Again,i feel that nowadays i'm become more lazy.Lazy to wake up,lazy to exercise and lazy to move.I couldn't find the reasons though,not even one.Or just maybe is because too much stress come from the new life.But one thing i will never become lazy after i enter UNI,that is DANCING.....when i am dancing,i just dance without any worries,not anymore because i'm actually a person who are quite shy.But until i met one of my dancing senior,she told me talents should be shared so to let other people know what u can do,this speech has make my interest to dance spikes up.Dancing really make me feel happy coz once i dance,all of the stress are gone.I won't ever quit dancing,and i want to dance until the moment i couldn't dance.

Another thing i want to write is about her(Miss C).Everybody is very curious about my current status especially my old Melaka friends,but sorry for disapponting u guys,i still single.Although i know that kind of feeling is very incredible,and it makes a person to change,however,i still think i am not mature enough to handle this matter back yet.I dun wish to hurt anybody especially her.She is a very innocent girl,and that's make her to do everything with an innocent heart.When she is serious in her studies,her expression was the most beautiful expression.So i will keep watching her from time to time so that whenever she need my help,i will able to help her.From this way,i can get close to her so that she will afraid me less.

Starting this moment,i will always be her guardian angel until forever even in future we may not be couple coz i just wanted to do so.i like her smile and everytime i look on her smile,i will never my mood down.Hopefully she can always smile and never sad.

waiting for you

I went back to my UNI just now by riding the 8am bus.The bus can have 40 people for each ride,but guess how many people were on the bus??only seven people included the driver were on the bus.So i reached UPM is about 10.10am.I walked into the K10 bus stop with my friend and had the kolej bus to went back to our hostel.

Once i reached my hostel,i quickly put down my stuff and finish my assignment.So unlucky that day before i went back to Melaka,i had a presentation at DKS and at that time i think my pendrive was infected by virus.And all my files inside have to be deleted.So my soft copy for my TITAS assignment was gone and i have to retype all over again.So that's why i din even tidy my stuff yet then quickly done my assignment.Finally finished at 2pm and read my biology a while.I managed to read till two chapters but still have 3 more chapters need to read.I will not give up coz i already promised somebody to work hard.^^

Until now,Miss C just managed to chat me few words in facebook.So i din noe how was her day today.Wish can have her news immediately coz i wanna know.

Sunday 27 November 2011

New motivation

Haha,back to blogging time.Today was not a good day for me.Ever since yesterday Miss C did not reply my message,my mood was just down.But until just now,she finally replied me.And we had a chat.Not a long chat but just a nice chat.Different kind of mood after had a chat with her.

I just feel there's a different feel when i meet and talk to her.It just like want to get near to her and tell her many things,as long as having a chat.I dunno which post did she saw until she said something strange to me.And since i had promised her that we will maintain as what we are first,i will have this promise as long as i could.I don't want her to think that i am a person who break a promise easily,although i did last time.That's why nowadays i am very careful with my promise,do not simply promise people when u cannot do it,trust me,it will ruin everything.

So from now on,she will be my motivation to do my part to the best.I want to prove to her that i can do it with my own ability,and i want her to admit herself to me on that day.Plus,i'm looking forward to a date,because i'm sure that day will be a different memory to her on that specific date.Hopefully she won't get shock on what will happen on that day coz i dun want her to get any shock.Although i dunno whether she gt any real feeling on me or not,I just want to let her know that no matter what,i won't give up anything on what i had done and what i'm going to do.

Saturday 26 November 2011

Please spice my day up

Today is not a good day for me.The biology test is around the corner but still don't have any mood to study anything.Plus the chapters to be tested in the test 2 is almost 4 chapters and i just read 2 of them.What should i do??

I need some motivation from someone(Miss C),coz only she can cheer my day up.But sad thing is yesterday she told me that her phone is running out of battery and so unfortunately she did not bring her charger back home.Moreover she told me that her phone will be sent to the factory for repairing due to the malfunction of her phone's bluetooth and that's the thing make me sad.Coz this will stop us from sms+ing for a while.Until now she haven reply my yesterday messages.I wonder what she is doing and how was her day today....

I may think that maybe after she looked my today's post she also will wonder why I need her motivation and why she is the only one who can cheer my day.The reason is because her smile is the reason why i will smile too....And her speech is very tantalizing when i listened to each of them.it will spice my mood up whatever topic she is mentioning.Even though is not related to studies,i still like to listen to them.

I wanted to tell her about the dance camp on coming February time,i wanted to tell her that I want to invite her to go,I even wanted to tell her that I want her to go,BUT i couldn't contact her and that's make me feel very down today.Hope she is doing fine at home.

I feel

Haha,back to blogging time.Is almost 2am in the morning but i found myself still hard to sleep coz just back from supper.Anyway,i will start to getting back my old style of writing blog coz one of my friends commented that my blog is too little in words,somemore i will try to put in more on my feeling.

Today,or rather i should say yesterday was my second aunt's family last day of holiday in Malaysia.I was very happy as they seldom back to my hometown and visit us.We had dinner together on last Friday and ate quite a lot of food.But sad thing was i did not manage to have a walk with them around Melaka...><"...But still i felt happy coz can see them in person after so long did not meet them.And they said goodbye at 2pm just now after their private transport arrived and sent them back to Sinagpore.

Well,let's talk about today's routine.As usual,i am a lazy bum and i woke up at 10 something.Then i drive my sister to nearby foodcourt to meet my family for breakfast,guess what i had for my breakfast??is "Bak Kut Teh",haha....really taste good and full too....then i just went back with my two little cousin...One of my little cousins was demanding to play my PS2,so i just on for him reluctanly.After the goodbye from my aunt,then i just continue to study my BIOLOGY coz not yet finish revised.After a while,i just can't focus anymore,so i just call Miss C to ask her about her day.We had a chat a while and i felt very happy to chat with her.She told me that she is enjoy fb+ing and she was uploading plus tagging the photo.I was shocked by her photo as i realized the photo of her keeps  become prettier and prettier from time to time.She told me she like starfruit coz some reason.But honestly,i prefer guava...haha...then she told me she will go outing with her family...Then she told me she like dress and accessories very much...I was thinking she should like coz it makes her more elegant and pretty when she applied them,Then we stopped sms quite a while coz she was shopping.And i was like very lonely coz i used to chat with her nowadays but suddenly din chat with her,so feel emotionally lonely.Then i decided to try my luck again and try sms her.Finally she replied me and told me she had bought 3 dresses.I was very happy for her,really.haha...then i go and chose present for her.And i chose a good present for her,hopefully she like it.She told me she is very good in guessing and yes she is.Until so far she never guessed wrongly on my thing.Haha,looks like she quite good in understanding me...haha....Then sad thing came,she told me that her phone is running out of battery and may send to repair for three weeks.At that time,i suddenly feel very sad coz thought of stopping chat with her.Ever since that momemt,i'm very appreciate on smsing her until she did not reply me anymore.So today,overall,i'm still happy coz can chat with her,talk to her and more importantly can understand her bit by bit.She is a cheerful person and i hope she will never stop of being cheerful.

Smile always.This is the opinion that i wish to give to her.Ok ba,time to sleep.Bye.....

Friday 25 November 2011

Thought of you

Today is the first time i have insomnia since i back from entering UNI.So,i decided to look back on my friend,Miss C old post of her blog.

I know is a bit rude to look back on people old post,but really,this is a way to know more from a person.So,sorry if my behaviour was a bit over.Now i know bit by bit about her.She is a different girl than others .Why i said so??Is because she is never been fake in her real feeling.She never have the fake side of her.And she always expressed her feeling bit by bit in her heart without letting anyone knows it.In result,this make her very adorable and very trusted because of her pure-heart soul that she had inside within her body.I know maybe i a bit over expressing,but is really difficult to find a person with that kind of attitude and truly come from the bottom of my heart.She never try to stop learning,because for her,learning is always a fun process and will always make her excited.For her,she thinks that a true enjoy in her life will just give her different kind of experience.I'm not going to mention her outer beauty bcoz different kind of girls will have different kind of concept of beauty.But more importantly,she know what is her responsibility.She knows what is her role in her family,she knows what is her role at her age and she always know what is her role in her future from time to time.For me,she has a true and special personality that lies between happiness and responsibility.And that is kind of the personality i try to achieve along my life but sad thing i can't.

But,i also found that she has a great fear on her feeling to others.She afraid and i am trying to help her to overcome her frightening.This will take some time to go against the phobia but i promise i will try my best to do it.Hopefully,you may not think that i will be just a troublesome person in future coz this really involve a lot of communication and interaction process.

She was too good for me and maybe i wasn't that good for her in her mind.that's why sometimes i will feel down whenever i cannot help her.I wish i could always be there to solve everything for her as i could.But anyway,i still prefer ONE STEP AT A TIME.haha....that's all for my today feeling.is time to oi oi....

Wednesday 23 November 2011


I will have the first presentation in UPM...
This will be my first experience yet nervous for the first time.

I had a chat with her.
A chat that i will never forget about it.

I dunno why I can accept everything she said
although it was not beneficial to me
i just listen quietly and try to give my opinion to her

I guess this is the power of love.
I advice her always use the power of love to overcome every obstacle.

She told me that she was very messy in thinking,
and I hope i can help her as well...
But I just dunno how...

She said we both still need some time
to know each other well
before anything happen

I just dun want to lose her like that
and she always tell me that she is not an object
yes ,is true...
but what she never know is how much important is she for me....

So after yesterday,
I had decided to keep this feeling in my heart for a while first..
after some time just get it back again...

Hopefully that time i won't easily to get confused again....


Monday 21 November 2011


I just felt very down....

Nothing can cheer me up,

YOUR smile!!!
You always be my apple in my heart no matter what...
Hope can meet you right now.....

Just feel very very unsecure without you
Feel very lonely without you
Feel even cannot feel anything without you...

I just wish you are by my side right now.....

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Dance Concert

Yesterday,me and my friend (SF) went for dance concert
It was the first time UPM modern dance class organize a
dance concert.

We were very enjoyed for the events
and this has increase my interest to explore more dance move.
Meanwhile,i was stunned by a few dance steps
which perform by a group of small kids.

The most important thing that
make me feel unbelievable is
one of the member just used up 7 months
to learn a break dance....
It sounds crazy right???

Overall,the events was fabulous and flawless
Thanks to the members and dancers who
put in so much effort in this dance concert
so that to let us have the opportunity 
to discover the amazingness of

And i have a good night with her too!!haha...
Oh No NO!~~~

dun you think of that "kind" of thing...haha
many people already give me some comments about her and me...
but only I and she knows the truth..


Sunday 13 November 2011

Chemist~ Wonderland


looking at the top of the header,you may think what is that meant for...Is my course night for the CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT and this is the title for the course night.But our course night wasn't held at any hotel...It was at the RED BOX...haha....

Wei Yong and ME

This was me before the performance

My group members:Me,Wei Yong,Kar Yan,Yen Lum and Meng Choon had performed four dances yesterday.Overall the performance was just fantastic and well commented from the seniors.Others group performance were also flawless especially the third group sketch performance.Our seniors were also invited as well including the third year senior.One of my direct's direct senior was at there too and i was happy when she commented on my performance.Really happy after the course night because finally i cheorograph one dance for my group member and this is one of my success since i study in UNIVERSITY.

About the video,you all can go to my facebook profile to view it if u all would like to see.And overall for yesterday event,it was totally CRAZY and FREAK....all of us go to the stage and show the dance talents.Now i just know actually many of the course mate and seniors in CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT can dance so well.....haha..looks like there still alot of improvement need to do.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Time to move on

Lets forget eveything

Start from the beginning

Lets just move on!!

10/11/11(secret feeling after so long)

I heard from my friends were mentioning that tomorrow is a lucky number date(11/11/11).Very very rare will happen in this kind of number.I was thinking doing something that are memorable,but it seems that quite impossible for me to do that,because is quite hard for me to do it again.Regret??yes,finally recently i start to think that i have a little bit regret of what i had done,is just that i not mature enough to handle this alone before.

This few days i've been asked by the same question:"Did u have any girl friend?"...At first i was very reluctant to answer this question because i don't wanna mention anything bout it.But when I think back,WHY NOT??!!so i just answered them with "YES"...But is too bad,i don't even know how to appreciate...I admit the changes of you did impress me a lot,even my friends were noticed on the changes.You may think you are still you,but you will never knew whether u had changed or not.

Whenever I touched back my past,I suddenly realized how immature actions i had done.Not only in what I had done,but even what I had spoken.I know you were hurt from my words before,but believe or not,it wasn't i tried to hurt u on purposely and i didn't mean it.Is not i want to get it back the relationship i just mentioned it out,all i wanna do is just to apologize what i had done on your memory.I know "sorry" is not enough to close up the wounds for this moment,but that's all i can do.Missing you,honestly yes and which couple who already broke up and does not miss the partner....But no matter how,i just can only keep in the other side of space of my heart.

So,i just hope that u will not live in the past,or rather i should say i should knew that u wouldn't live in the past.Right now all i wish on you is that u will always happy and will found another lovely partner than me,at least handsome than me(:P) and a bit responsible than me,who can always fetch you GO anywhere...haha...


Sunday 6 November 2011

3 days holidays

Yeah,3 days of holiday...So i just ccame back from UNI to my hometown on Friday.Who knows,what had happened yesterday??:(LOOK YOURSELF LAR!haha...)

Having my lunch yesterday at MCD 

Bought a few cloth from DP(70% discount at thr)

One of the sets of cloth

Taking photo with my sister..

Another sets of new cloth

Today,i also got another steamboat session with my family again.Later dinner will have another nice meal with my friends..At night,i will have another steamboat session as supper.Wah,wat a nice meal day i had today...hehe.....

Tuesday 1 November 2011

No mood

Yesterday i wasn't able to update my blog is because yesterday i was busy...But this busy had make me very disappointed.I was busy with my course night dance.I had arrange few easy dances for my group members but in the end,they just give me one reply:"can change to other's dance mar??"Just imagine,i hardly cheorographed a simple dance for them and they don't even have any intention to dance...WTH man!!!waste my time to do the cheorography.

One thing that make me feel very very uncomfortable with one of my group member is she keep deny everything from head to toes of my suggestion.But when asked her to give some ideas,she just say:"you give lar,just change to other dance.."Wat the F**k man,go to hell and find ur husband in the hell...then can ask him to teach you dance lar....anything also cannot,curse you DAMN IT!!!

At least yesterday found some friends that having the same problems.We had a nice chat though the time we ended our conversation was quite late,but is worth for it.Now i just know how to handle such "no corporation among the member" case through the conversation.

Argh!!I felt like very very angry yesterday but there's nothing i can do about it.Like what one of my friends said:"just let it be,when the time they should get tension,they will just get tension by themselves." which is very true about it.But later still have to go and meet them,dunno whether i got that mood to continue teach them dance moves.Haiz...

But when i suddenly heard from my food tech friends that they wanna come to Melaka for Haji vacation,i was like:"Yeah,finally i got chance to go and have fun in holiday!!".I will try my best to be the best food guides although i quite seldom go out when i was in Melaka,but hey,i quite known of many foods in Melaka that is famous for.

Looking forward for the Haji holiday come...haha