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Kpop die hard fan

Kpop die hard fan

Friday 28 October 2011


After a LONG LONG LONG.......well,just ignore that grandmother story of why not updating my blog...And i guess not much people following my blog,so i think that was the reason why i'm not updating my blog frequently??hehe...Don't look at me,i don't even know the reason...haha...

As you can see from the previous post,i had change back my style of writing...."GRANDMOTHER STORY TELLING STYLE"haha....the reason is because i have a lot of things wanna spit out...

I stayed at UPM for almost up to five weeks and including this mid sem break week is the 6th week of my UNI week.Many things had happen and change my perspective in different ways of viewing certain things.For example,my biology lecturer had change the point of view of learning the biology that had set in my mind long time ago.I should thank him as now i know what is the true meaning of learning something,although i still don't get the gist of learning the biology...:p..The other thing was i remembered something that had change the history of my life that i couldn't reach back the way we are used to be anymore,so i just though positively and just say in my mind:"Lets just move on!"

Interestingly,i also get known of one new friend.She is quite charming,pretty and kinda sweet in looking.I know,u must thinking that i was in relationship right??the answer is no...haha..sorry for disappointing you...Is my pleasure to know her as friend(dunno whether in future got any relationship with her although i wanna it so badly ><)....she studying food technology course and this sem she having one of the same subject with me...but it seems that she is quite comfortable with her studies except one killing subject for every girl~~PHYSICS...don't you agree as well??Anyway,since i also quite free after my revision and she asked my help,so i just show her my "dirty tricks" in physics...well,is not show off,just an offer for help...haha...But anyway,i also need to pick up for my BIOLOGY and TITAS as memorizing facts technique is my weakness....

I LIKE YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE....muacks...haha..Time to go..bye..

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